
Filled with the love of God, how can we not turn, humbly, and share that love as well as we are able?  Within this spirit of love, we are a church with a passion for mission.

Through Church World Service – an ecumenical international Christian outreach agency – we help folks in crisis all over the world, our small part added to that of a vast number of others helping out.  Each year we donate funds for blankets.  Each year we help create health kits and baby layettes and hygiene kits.  The soap and towels and toothbrushes we slip into a plastic bag, for example, making their way to places like Haiti and Chile.

Through the amazing generosity of the Women’s Fellowship, and through the Tory Hill Christmas Eve offerings, we are able to contribute to many helping organizations in the Buxton area and York County.  Through contributions to the United Church of Christ’s One Great Hour of Sharing and Neighbors in Need offerings our helping hearts and hands join others on a national and international level as well.

Mission – one way God calls us to be the change we want to see in the world.
